1:1 Sports Skills Programs

Tailored Coaching for Athletic Development

Unlock Your Potential

Many children on the spectrum have can feel overwhelmed in large group setting. Our program aims to improve sporting skills and confidence so that they can engage in AFL and Basketball skills.

Through engaging activities and games, ABLE programs work on developing core strength,coordination and endurance through functional activities.

Our experienced local AFL and Basketball develop individualised sessions to support each child with the use of visual aids, structure and clear instructions. Learn sporting skills with local AFL and Basketball coaches. Programs are developed in line with children’s NDIS goals.

Participants will:

Improve hand-eye coordination:​

learn basic skills from sports such as basketball and AFL

Develop stamina and endurance:

Increase strength and development of gross motor and fine motor skills.

Find structure and support:

Evidence-based support to assist children to using visual aids for language and communication